Marlon's Marketing Minute
How Tons of People Are Making a Living
In The Info Product Business In Unusual,
Offbeat Niches
Let's Put This Tired, Worn Out
False Objection To Bed Once & For All
Marlon here.
Yep. I know.
You've heard it too many times and maybe bought into it yourself.
The only people making money marketing online are selling how to make money online. That's what you heard, right?
You may have even been sucked in and bought into it yourself.
That statement was made by marketers who had their own "frame of reference" to sell. The argument usually went, "All these other marketers only sell how to make money. But I run some other xyz business and selling Internet marketing is only a sideline. I don't want to be a guru. So buy from me."
My friend and expert marketer Ryan Deiss used to say that all the time. Of course, now he runs a huge Internet marketing business. But many people said that same thing to position what they were selling as being unique or distinct. Nothing wrong with it. That's what good marketers do.
Other people jumped up and down and swore the only people making money online were selling how to make money online.
The truth is, it was never true. And it's still not true.
I miss some of the old days.
In the days of web rings, it was so cool. You could click around in webrings and see all the things different marketers were selling with their websites.
Let's put just an ounce of thought into this and we can see how ridiculous it is:
According to that site there are FOURTY MILLION more websites now than there were just a year ago! It's a relatively small number of people who sell products on Clickbank, JVZoo and Warriorplus.
Clickfunnels has 90,000 active subscribers. And many of those don't sell "how to make money".
So it's safe to say 99.99% of those 40 million websites in just the past year have nothing to do with "how to make money." I mean, let's get real.
For example, sells 100,000+ info courses and an extremely small number would be about making money online. Plus there's, and others.
I'll just into a bunch of examples below.
But one of my personal favs is I've bought a bunch of courses from there. Igor Smirnov rocks.
I also buy all kinds of offbeat books from
Here Are 49 Actual Examples
In a whopping 30 seconds of research I found 50-100 non "make money" info product businesses.
Here's a website that gives you 47 info product examples that rock.
For example:
How to land investment banking jobs is a million dollar business. You can see the website here.
Backyard chickens -- I kid you not. You can read about the business here. And here's the site. Man, they have a pretty neat business going.
Zen Habits is an excellent site on personal development. Here's how they make money. Here's the super cool website Zen Habits.
Cake decorating for fun and profit. Here's how they make money. And here's the site.
Colette Patterns is a site about sewing and here's how they make money. Here's their website.
You'll also find:
Nerd Fitness
Man vs. Debt
Chinese With Mike
Harvest Eating
the GMAT coach
Evernote Essentials,
the No Meat Athlete
Snowboard Addiction
Sheet music plus
Fluent inn 3 months
And more. Go here to read about all 47 sites.
But Wait, There's More
You'll find 49 businesses here. Things like meditation courses, scrapbooking, relationships, how to paint and draw and much more.
And listen, I only researched it 30 seconds in Google by typing in unusual info product businesses.
Imagine how many you'd find if you researched it a whopping 3 hours. Or go hog wild and research it a day.
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