Marlon's Marketing Minute
How to Get GREAT Product Ideas
Almost Every Day That Are Easy To Sell
Here's Why You Don't Need To Struggle
To Get Product Ideas -- They Are Endless!
Marlon here.
Hardly a day goes by that I don't get a great product idea.
And you do too.
You just don't realize it.
Here's what I mean:
Oh wait, before I go into that, as a reminder, the MMM PDF will become a monthly membership f or $17 a month with added vvalue like a forum or FB group. Probably a forum but I'm debating it.
But I plan to do a MMM's like this one for free. Or I might do 1 PDF a month for free. I'm still debating it. I'm leaning towards this.
Next, Andy Brocklehurst has a spiffy offer out. It's called Easy Affiliate Playbook. Love that! Here's what we call the "value proposition."
1. 10)% free traffic
2. Repeatable and scalable
3. Step-by-step
4. Can be done in an hour or two a day
5. No software or tools needed
7. Works in multiple niches
8. Affiliate approval guaranteed
If you want to make affiliate sales, you NEED this. Get it now.
This morning I thought it'd be neat to put this MMM on my site where my coaching content is. But have the coaching content password protected. And the content easily accessible.
That turned out to NOT be fast nor easy to figure out using my platform which is Memberium. In fact, it's pretty hard to figure out for something so freaking simple in concept.
Do you understand there's an info product right there? Now before you rush and do that one, use your head.
You could sell the info product then offer the service. What annoys me is that with a product like Memberium, all the programmers are trying to sell their high-priced services, often for what you know darned well is simple.
All that does is irritate me.
Now, if they actually sold an info product that showed how to do the simple stuff AND more complex stuff, it'd be a lot better.
Then, they could say, "Listen if you'd rather just have me set all this up for 1 fair price, check out my "pimped out membership program" package price offer.
"48 hours from now you can have THIS."
Regardless, if someone figured out how to do this in Memberium and a few of the other major software programs like Wishlist and whatever else, it'd be a great little product with back-end opportunities.
"But Marlon, I'm not a programmer."
All you do is pay a programmer to do the back end services for you. And you 3x their price. Obviously you find someone that didn't already 3X their price. Bulgaria. Rumania. Countries like that have good programmers that don't send the bloodmobile by to pay their prices.
Not a day goes by that I don't run into something similar. And I'm guessing you do also.
So what you do is turn YOUR pain into gain. You don't use MY pain. Because you don't have the personal experience of it. Use something that is a PAIN to you. Figure it out. And turn it into an info product or solution that makes it EASY and FAST for people.
Info product opportunities like this are ENDLESS!
Yesterday I spent 3 hours trying to increase the file upload size on one of my wordpress sites. Even my webhost couldn't figure it out.
Turns out I fixed it in 20 seconds after discovering the right plugin.
Well that's 1 of many possible wordpress secrets that could be in an info product called Wordpress Secrets Revealed.
The simplest Google search shows there are only 10 results with that exact phrase.
But competition doesn't really scare us.
Because they can't write copy worth a flipping dime. Not that many people can for the most part.
Attention Wordpress Users:
Are you pulling your hair out over any of the following?
* pain point 1
* pain point 2
* pain point 3
And so forth.
And that's just one of 1,001 issues like that.
The other day I installed a forum for my Fast Track so people can participate outside of Facebook as apparently a lot of our members don't go there.
My webhost had 20 different forum software programs I could install for FREE. But which one to choose?
So I searched Google.
The info I found only compared several and didn't help me make my decision that much.
The top Google listings are things created in 2007! A little out of date.
You say, "But Marlon, no one uses forums anymore."
Actually, that's NOT true.
And now with Facebook cutting organic exposure of your group posts to a trickle and having no real way to thread conversations, I see opportunity.
Listen, I'm NOT saying it's going to sell 5,000 copies and make you rich overnight.
But this past week I promoted a little $10 product that had a report in it by Robert Plank on how he created a product every week for a year. I have some nice bonuses for it. And if you bought it from my link, go back to W+ and check bonuses.)
Maybe it'd take you a few weeks to produce the product or longer if you work long hours. It's a start.
And again, that's just 1 of 1,001 examples.
How about this.
The other day I thought "Hey, I'd like to have a nice coaching interface for a new $200 / mo. coaching program where mentees would have a whole little coaching area, personalized assignments, tracking, and so forth.
Well, that search ended up being extremely frustrating.
Finally, I found 1 free one that sounded fanstastic. And I lost the URL. lol.
There are a number of programs on Google. But man, the marketing for them sucked far as I'm concerned. I didn't see one that just leaped off the page and "got it". So there's a product opportunity to create software. But also one to research the topic and create a product on it.
Or maybe you could create templates for Wordpress. And sell a whole little kit. I don't know. That space between your ears you use watching cat videos on Youtube has endless possibilities when put to constructive use!
I'm joking about the cat videos. I think. lol.
There's also an info product there where you go through all the programs and review the really good ones. You sell the product and make money off the affiliate links.
Now maybe it takes longer than a week to produce. Depends on how fast a researcher you are. If you really hunker down and turn off your phone and TV, close out Facebook and just research, you can bang it out pretty quick.
Guys and gals, I can do this all day and all night long.
My webhost has software on it I can install that creates crm's (customer relationship management software), social platforms and other stuff.
CRM's are NOT cheap. Yet people can install a bunch of 'em for FREE and don't know it!
But which ones are the best?
How do you set them up FAST?
You could sell a PDF and then offer a back end "set up service."
It STUNS me how right now people reading this are going, "OMG that's a great idea. I'll do THAT!"
Which is ok. But you're missing the point.
The real point is that in your daily experience, you lack knowledge about things all the time and find it quite painful.
For example, health insurance. What a beat down! In the U.S. it's a boondoggle. And it'd be nice if someone figured it all out and wrote up something in ENGLISH that just boiled it down to the best options.
In this case, there are a lot of things done on it.
But man, they are missing COPYWRITING and MARKETING. As in they are boring as TEARS and use absolutely NO curiosity-invoking copywriting.
Yeah, you need to learn to write copy.
Is that a shocker?
Or you can do what Kevin Fahey does and hire out your copy. I don't do that. But in the product on productivity by him I promoted a few weeks ago I believe he explained he hires out the copy.
Let me tell you the BIG SECRET to all of this.
Honestly, it's a little blunt.
Get your brain out of the mud and get going in spite of all the dumb, stupid objections your brain throws at you. Just get busy and stop debating this, that and the other. You solve ALL your questions through ACTION and learning as you go.
Anytime you do something new or uncomfortable your brain weill scream bloody murder like the world will end if you do it. That is how your brain maintains homeostasis or comfort.
Almost none of what your brain screams is true. It's just resistance to change. That is all.
That's a whole info product right there. In fact, it's a whole business. Jim Newman wrote a book called Release Your Brakes and built a whole business off that 1 simple idea.
But you have to get really good at copy and marketing. Or hire someone to write your copy. But you still need to be able to out-market other people.
It's not particularly hard. They buy like 3 info products, read the Clickfunnels group and watch Taylor Swift Youtube videos.
They don't spend the time nor the money to learn the craft, the skill, the trade. If it isn't painfully obvious, I started Fast Track for people who don't want to be that guy or gal.
My average customer is willing to spend $179 on their marketing education in 12 months.
So they have $179 of belief in their ability, in marketing, in the whoel concept of making money by sellilng products.
IF you got more belief that that and you'll w ork to get skills like copywriting and product creation rather than seek a magic pill, there's hope for you.
Otherwise, go backc to Youtube. I recommend the old grumpy cat videos.
I'm joking. But it rally is a challenge to get in action. The brain throws up all kinds of resistance to keep you from doing anything possibly uncomfortable.
Or maybe you tried and failed. And all you can think about is how you'll fail again.
And you will, unless you invest in your brain and your skills.
It's not real pleasant to say this. But it is the truth. How many people are telling you the truth -- FOR FREE or even for a fee?
I dare say not many.
They're selling magic pills. Which I don't have a problem with. People love buying them.
I just know that many of my customers are better than that. And hopefully more educated.
Listen, the money is in creating and selling products. Stop jacking around and get with the real work. Simple.
If you bought the Productivity Hacks $5 I promoted, you saw how Kevin does 2 launches a month to build his list. Each launch may only sell 250 to products on average. But the consistency and frequency makes up for lack of volume.
You can read the issue I wrote on it here.
What I've discovered is most people won't take action. They'll debate this forever mentally and wilt when it comes to taking action due to different types of internal resistance.
I discuss how to overcome this here.
Best wishes,
PS: I realize for many of you, $97/mo. for the Fast Track doesn't fit in your budget. So I've come up with a new version of MILCERS (pronounced Milkers as in Milk the Web) -- Marlon's Internet Marketing Lifestyle Club.
Milcers is all about:
1. Create Income Streams
2. Put them on full or semi-auto pilot
3. Live the Internet lifestyle
How To Get My Monthly 25+-Page Newsletter
AND a Monthly Live Training For Only $1.19 a day.
With a $1 Trial To Test It Out
1. If you want to grow, build, improve or enhance your business, the new Milcers private site can make that happen for you.
2. If you need to get money rolling in the door right NOW then you need to get going YESTERDAY and your keywords of the day are going to be "STAT", "FAST", "NOW" and "GET RESULTS". If you need money coming in, if you need to get the cash flowing, if you need to get things rolling along then the new Milcers private membership has got lots of help for you.
Coming Soon!